File Reference

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package  blend_demo
 Demonstrates how to make blends of seamless tiles.


def blend_demo.blend_corners
 Blends an image with colours - one for each corner.
def blend_demo.multiply_corners
 Multiplies an image with colours - one for each corner.
def blend_demo.make_perlin_tiles
 Makes Perlin tiles used for creating perlin ramp blend masks.
def blend_demo.add_ramp
 Adds a planar ramp to the given image.
def blend_demo.make_perlin_ramp_images
 Makes a Perlin ramp that can be used as a blend mask.
def blend_demo.blend_mask_demo
def blend_demo.quilt_demo
def blend_demo.blend_demo4
 Shows four images blended together.
def blend_demo.blend_corners_demo
 Shows altering an images colours.


tuple blend_demo.WHITE = (1, 1, 1, 1)

Generated on Sun May 24 21:48:21 2009 by  doxygen 1.5.8