File Reference

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package  image
 Contains some utility methods for handling images.


def image.int_sequence
 Converts a sequence of floats (ranged 0 to 1) to integers (ranged 0 to 155).
def image.float_sequence
 Converts a sequence of integers (ranged 0 to 255) to floats (ranged 0 to 1).
def image.grid_to_rgb_image
 Converts a 2D grid to an image on the disk.
def image.rgb_image_to_image_grid_channels
 Loads an image from disk, and returns a tuplet of grids, one for each channel.
def image.channels_to_rgb_grid
 Converts a list of three grids into an RGB grid.
def image.rgb_image_to_grid
 Loads an image from disk into a grid.
def image.index_grid_to_rgb_grid
 Take a grid containing non-negative integers, and makes a new grid with elements from the pallet.
def image.transpose
def image.greyscale_grid_to_rgb_grid
 Converts a greyscale grid (every cell contains a float [0.
def image.rgb_grid_to_greyscale_grid
def image.edge
 An extremely simple edge detection algorithm.
def image.normalize
 Returns a grid in which the colours have been normalised.
def image.normalize_grey
 Returns a grid where all values have been normalised between 0 and 1.
def image.saturate
 Clamps all values in a grid between 0 and 1.
def image.threshold
def image.multiply_grid
 Multiplies all values of a grid with a constant.
def image.add_grid
 Adss a constant to all values of a grid.
def image.entropy
 Returns a grid that represents the entropy around the pixels in a given grid.
def image.white_noise
 Returns a grid containing white noise in the range [0 1].
def image.mix_grey
 Interpolates a grey between two given greys.
def image.mix_color
 Interpolates a color between two given colors.
def image.tile
 Returns a new grid, containing m by n copies of the given grid.
def image.add_grey_grids
 Adds weighted values of grids together.
def image.integrate
 Calculates the integral grid of a grid.
def image.integrate_vertically
def image.blend

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