quadtree.AbstractMeasure | This class shows which methods a Measure class must implement if it is to be used for a Quadtree |
enhanced_grid.AuxiliaryContainer | Sub-classes of this container is used as windows by a PrincipleContainer, and should not be used directly! |
quadtree_image.ChannelMeasure | A Measure class that works on a single channel |
enhanced_grid.Container | Abstract super class of all grid-like containers |
fast_grid.Container | Abstract super class of all grid-like containers |
enhanced_grid.Container1D | Class that implements __str__ and __iter__ |
enhanced_grid.Container2D | Class that implements __str__ and __iter__ |
fast_grid.Container2D | Class that implements __str__ and __iter__ |
enhanced_grid.Container3D | Class that implements __str__ and __iter__ |
gradient.DiscreteGradient | A gradient without any interpolation |
random_distributions.Distribution2D | This is a callable class that generates random numbers with an arbitrary distribution |
enhanced_grid.Grid1D | Class that represent a 2D grid, with enhanced slicing notation |
enhanced_grid.Grid2D | Class that represent a 2D grid, with enhanced slicing notation |
fast_grid.Grid2D | Class that represent a 2D grid, with enhanced slicing notation |
enhanced_grid.Grid3D | Class that represent a 3D grid, with enhanced slicing notation |
enhanced_grid.GridBar3D | |
enhanced_grid.GridCol2D | |
enhanced_grid.GridCol3D | |
enhanced_grid.GridRow2D | |
enhanced_grid.GridRow3D | |
enhanced_grid.GridSliceXY | |
enhanced_grid.GridSliceXZ | |
enhanced_grid.GridSliceYZ | |
enhanced_grid.GridWindow1D | |
enhanced_grid.GridWindow2D | |
enhanced_grid.GridWindow3D | |
quadtree_image.ImageMeasure | A Measure class that works on a RGB image |
enhanced_grid.ListGrid2D | |
enhanced_grid.ListGrid3D | |
quadtree.Measure | This is an example Measure object, as is required by a Quadtree |
non_uniform_random_int.NonUniformRandomInt | Class for generating random integers between 0 (inclusive) and and upperbound (exlusive), with given probabilities |
random_distributions.NormalisedInputCurve | |
fast_grid.PrincipleContainer | Sub-classes of this container can be used directly |
enhanced_grid.PrincipleContainer | Sub-classes of this container can be used directly |
quadtree.Quadtree | A general purpose (compression) Quadtree class |
quadtree.Quadtree.Quadtree.Node | Represents a node of this Quadtree |
enhanced_grid.RandomQueue | A class that works just like a queue or a stack, except that a randomly selected element is returned |
random_distributions.ResponseCurve | This class is described in AI Programming Wisdom 1, "The Beauty of Response Curves", by Bob Alexander |
gradient.SimpleGradient | A gradient between two colours with linear interpolation |
perlin_noise.SmoothNoise | Class for generating smooth noise |
perlin_noise.SmoothNoise1D | Class for generating smooth noise |
perlin_noise.SmoothNoise3D | Class for generating smooth noise |
random_distributions.XYResponseCurve | Similar to ResponseCurve, but allows sample points to be unevenly spaced |