XSI Scripting Using Python: Course Notes

This is a set of notes I prepared for a short course on Python scripting for XSI. The course was for animators with no programming background.


XSI Sripting Using Python (178 KB, PDF)


I Introduction to Python Programming 4
1 Basic Concepts
1.1 Introduction
1.1.1 Why Python?
1.1.2 How does Python work?
1.2 Primitive Types
1.2.1 Strings
1.2.2 Numbers
1.2.3 Booleans
1.2.4 Type conversion
1.2.5 Exercises
1.3 Containers
1.3.1 Lists
1.3.2 Tuples
1.3.3 Exercises
1.4 Programs
1.4.1 Exercises
1.5 Conditional statements
1.5.1 The if-statement
1.5.2 Exercises
1.6 Iteration
1.6.1 The while-statement
1.6.2 Exercises
1.7 Resources
2 Bigger structures
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Functions
2.2.1 Defining Functions
2.2.2 Functions as Data
2.2.3 Built-in functions
2.2.4 Exercises
2.3 Classes
2.3.1 Attributes
2.3.2 Inheritance and Polymorphism
2.3.3 Mutable Sequence Type Methods
2.3.4 String methods
2.3.5 Exercises
2.4 Scope
2.5 Modules
2.5.1 Using Modules
2.5.2 Standard Modules
2.5.3 Excercises
II XSI Scripting
3 Basic XSI Scripting
3.1 Introduction
3.2 The XSI SDK
3.3 The Tool Development Environment
3.4 Scene Objects
3.4.1 Accessing scene objects
3.4.2 Selected objects and Picking
3.4.3 Creating Objects
3.4.4 Exercises
3.5 Object Properties
3.5.1 Kinematics Object
3.5.2 XSI Collections
3.5.3 F-Curves
3.5.4 Exercises
3.6 Application Information
3.7 SDK Documentation
3.7.1 Useful Pages
4 XSI Scripting
4.1 Introduction
4.2 More XSI Objects
4.2.1 Materials
4.2.2 Lights
4.2.3 Cameras
4.2.4 Exercises
4.3 Scripted Operators
4.3.1 Exercises
5 Good Programming Practices
5.1 Introduction
5.2 What makes good code?
5.3 Naming
5.3.1 Variables
5.3.2 Functions
5.4 Organisation
5.4.1 Functions
5.4.2 Scripts
5.5 More Techniques for Creating Re-usable Code
5.6 Efficiency
5.7 XSI Library


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