Python Image Code

I use this code to illustrate many of the tutorials on this site, and the articles I write for Dev.Mag. Ideally, I would like to package the code so that it is the minimal necessary for the particular tutorial; however, a lot of the code is reused, so that it becomes difficult to maintain. Instead, I distribute it all together. That way, new updates and extensions can be found in one place.

The current version includes classes and functions for:

  • easy-syntax 2D and 3D arrays (for example, you can use grid[1:20:2, 2:3:20] to access the pixels in every second column (starting with column 1 and ending before column 20) and every third row (starting from row 2 and ending before row 20) (docs);
  • general image utility function (docs);
  • perlin noise (docs, tutorial);
  • poisson-disk sampling (docs, tutorial);
  • texture generation algorithms (docs, tutorial);
  • quadtrees (docs, tutorial part1 and part 2);
  • classes for generating random points (1D and 2D) from arbitrary distributions (docs, tutorial);
  • functions for blending between images (for smooth transitions between regions in seamless tile sets) [see, tutorial];  and
  • functions for image quilting (under construction).
A few notes:
  • The code is not optimised, and in general convenience and clarity takes precedence over speed. This code is not suitable for many applications where speed is important.
  • The code will change often. At this stage I do not try to make it backwards compatible.


Python Image Code v0.6 (593 KB)

Requires PIL (Python Image Library).

This version includes some of the dependencies that accidentally got left behind in the previous version.


  1. Cool ! I wonder if cython could help with speed here?

    It would also be interesting to see how it runs in pypy.

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