April 7, 2010 Poisson Disk Sampling Example Code I decided to put the Poisson disk sampling code here for download since the site that hosted it is down. The code accompanies the…
May 28, 2009 Getting More out of Seamless Tiles I wrote an article for Dev.Mag covering some techniques for working with seamless tile sets such as making blend tiles, getting more variety with procedural colour manipulation,…
April 28, 2009 Generating Random Integers With Arbitrary Probabilities I finally laid my hands on Donald Knuth’s The Art of Computer Programming (what a wonderful set of books!), and found a neat algorithm…
April 8, 2009 How to Turn XSI Mod Tool into a Level Editor for your XNA Games: Updated for XNA 3.0. Last year I wrote a tutorial explaining how to use XSI Mod Tool as a level editor, specifically for XNA. Below is the same…
November 15, 2008 Quadtrees The code below implements some quadtree extensions, as discussed in another Dev.Mag tutorial about quadtrees (see Issue 27). The tutorial covers the following topics:…
October 6, 2008 Quadtrees The quadtree is an important 2D data structure and forms the core of many spatial algorithms, including compression, collision detection, and stitching algorithms. Below…