February 18, 2016 Generators A generator (as I will use the term here) is an object that can “generate” other objects on demand. They work like random generators,…
October 25, 2009 Tips for Designing and Implementing a Stimulus Response Agent (Original Image by everyone’s idle.) This post was a originally published on Luma Labs, now dead. As old as stimulus-response techniques are, they still…
October 8, 2009 15 Steps to Implement a Neural Net (Original image by Hljod.Huskona / CC BY-SA 2.0). I used to hate neural nets. Mostly, I realise now, because I struggled to implement them correctly. Texts…
April 28, 2009 Generating Random Integers With Arbitrary Probabilities I finally laid my hands on Donald Knuth’s The Art of Computer Programming (what a wonderful set of books!), and found a neat algorithm…
April 15, 2009 Estimating a Continuous Distribution from a Sample Set It is sometimes necessary to find the distribution given a sample set from that distribution. If we do not know anything about the distribution,…
April 15, 2009 Generating Random Points from Arbitrary Distributions for 2D and Up I have already covered how to generate random numbers from arbitrary distributions in the one-dimensional case. Here we look at a generalisation of that…
April 9, 2009 Cellular Automata for Simulation in Games A cellular automata system is one of the best demonstrations of emergence. If you do not know what cellular automata (CA) is, then you…
December 15, 2008 A simple texture algorithm – faster code and more results Faster Code A while back I wrote about a simple texture algorithm that I have been exploring. The Python implementation was very slow –…
December 7, 2008 Random Steering – 7 Components for a Toolkit Random steering is often a useful for simulating interesting steering motion. In this post we look at components that make up a random steering…
November 15, 2008 Quadtrees The code below implements some quadtree extensions, as discussed in another Dev.Mag tutorial about quadtrees (see Issue 27). The tutorial covers the following topics:…